Scratch Lab #1

Name: Matthew Moorehead

Period: 7

Assignment: Lab #1

Lab Overview

This lab was the first lab that we ever created on scratch. I was required to make the sprite walk to each corner of the page and rotate each time it walked towards a new corner. It needed to end up facing the same direction that it started in.

My Solution

To solve this, I first made the sprite start in the bottom left of the screen by using the go to command. Then, I made it glide to the right corner by placing coordinates towards the bottom right. Then I made it rotate 90 degrees and continued to do that at each corner it reached.

My Project Link

Lab Overview

For this problem, we were asked to form a hexagon by using 6 sprites. We needed to locate the sprites at the same spot so that they could separate from the same place. Then, we needed to form a hexagon by separating the sprites to specific coordinates.

My Solution

To solve this problem, I first made each the sprites go to the coordinates (0,0). Then, I made them all glide to specific coordinates to form a hexagon. Math was needed to make it a proper hexagon.

My Project Link

Lab Overview

This problem involved drawing shapes including a square, a regular triangle, and a regular hexagon. We needed to use the pen tool to design the shapes, and needed to form the shapes by using the glide tool. It then needed to draw each of these shapes.

My Solution

First, I drew the square by using certain locations and then gliding to these points. I needed to use the pen tool to draw this, so I added it before gliding. Then I commanded it to go to another location and followed the same steps for both the triangle and the hexagon.

My Project Link

Lab Overview

The last problem that I did was to change the costume of the sprite twice and have 3 costumes total. It also should be designed by myself using the different colors and shapes which Scratch provides.

My Solution

To solve, I first created two new costumes and designed them. I changed the colors of the cats and made them transform as they traveled to each point. It ended up going around in a triangle shape.

My Project Link


  1. Find an animation that you like. Click on “see inside”. What blocks do you recognize? What is unfamiliar?
    • I noticed many character swaps and also many repeat steps. I also saw some that I didn't recognize like sensing.
  2. How large is the scratch screen?
    • The scratch screen is pretty much as large as you want it to be. It uses different geometric locations to identify certain locations.
  3. Where is the center of the scratch screen?
    • The center is in the middle of the screen at coordinates (0,0).
  4. What are the units of measurement of the scratch screen?
    • The units of measurement are in degrees and uses different coordinates to place cerain objects.
  5. How many sprites can you have on the screen? How many stages? Explain why this makes sense.
    • You can have as many sprites as you want on the screen but only one stage.

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